About Page

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This page explains information about this website, my videos and projects, and other stuff.

Hey guys, Arbaaz here...

This is a blog/ showcase site serving as an outlet for some creative writing and other projects.

I'm an aspiring software engineering student that likes to try new and cool programs, so I can make entertaining and useful things for others. I decided to make this website to further my web development experience and implement novel features or have a go at making a polished site. Since this is hosted via GitHub Pages as an early project, it will only be a static site and not use back end languages like PHP, but I'll see what I can make of the big 3 HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I wanted to produce some written content on the web and considered writing articles or making a blog. Although, through coding this site I can include topics I want to talk about, not have to host it through a paid service or buy a domain name yet (so the barrier of entry is easy), and I can scrap it if it all goes to- I mean lovingly and dearly develop this site. It will probably be minimalistic though, just so I don't get confused with all the elements you could possibly ever fit on a screen.

For this website, I currently want to review my game library as an extension of my titlecard gaming wiki. I want to implement a masonry layout somewhere and use responsive design for both desktop and mobile screens.


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I have a YouTube channel that I created in 2016 and have uploaded intermittently to over time. It has over 300 videos mostly about gaming, but recently I have uploaded more tutorials and software related content. I'm quite happy that I made it because it is a nice hobby and I enjoy creating videos when I get round to recording and editing them. A long time ago I watched channels like Jacksepticeye and then theRadBrad constantly, as they are quite humorous, thorough, and generally skilled. I'm away from my ageing gaming computer while I study, so I might get a better setup in the future. My channel is small but I'm very glad to have a subscriber base and viewership because it means my stuff is getting recognised and I have entertained people. :) So, thank you guys for sticking around!


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I created a GitHub account in 2021 which I use to backup and showcase my important coding projects. I felt like showcasing them because I can show my range of skills as a developer and perhaps provide inspiration to others who are getting into code. It displays 5 coding projects currently but I aim to expand this greatly, and include this one as number 6 I think! I am quite happy with my website project which I called titlecard (written in HTML, CSS, JS) and game project called Zone of Malice (written in C#). I used a lot of code as reference from various channels and random websites, some of which I have credited on a page called 'Resources' in my coding projects wiki - but I changed the content to fit my/ the correct style so it was personalised and modified. When I started programming I learnt from coding teachers like Kevin Powell and Amigoscode for guidance and good practices. Not many people follow me on GitHub, but that's ok lol.

More about me

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There's not much else I produce on the internet publicly, other than grouping some images together in Pinterest. I'm a guy who is definitely not normal but I am curious, quirky, and kind when it is suitable. I like computers, games, mechs and robots, sushi and samosas, my friends and family. And my favourite movie is Pacific Rim.

Currently, I'm continuing on with my studies and may contribute to this website, coding projects, or YouTube channel in my free time.


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If you would wish to message me about something (like a question or feedback) email me at arbaazpatwari [at] gmail [dot] com. Any spam, doxing, or abuse will see me take measures to report offending accounts and block messaging to my handle.