XML CV and Resume
Language: XML, XSLT, CSS, XSD
IDE: Visual Studio 2022
Hey guys, here is a small showcase of my XML CV and Resume project. I started working on this in mid May 2022 and finished it by the end of that month. I've censored some sensitive data but still wanted to showcase the techniques I used like lists and loops for displaying data. Also I didn't want people to directly copy from my template in this instance and create a work quickly. All of my structure tags stored data and attributes for each part of the CV like work experience or skills. This is linked to an XSLT file which uses HTML tags to format the structural data as a web page. A CSS file is linked to the XSLT file which allows you to style the markup's colour and shape. The XSD document declared simple types and complex types to validate the XML code and make sure it is used within bounds (like only one section for a summary). I changed XSLT, CSS, XSD file contents to make the Resume document. There were several errors with my XSD files but the pages rendered properly. The images partially show each document as I did a standard screen snip. I based the document structure on my indeed CV.
- Author: Arbaaz Patwari
- Credits:
- XML documentation by W3Schools: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/